Are you ready to embark on a journey that promises extraordinary returns and boundless potential? Welcome to a truly unique opportunity – one that combines cutting-edge technology, eco-friendliness, and a refreshing approach to business. PlanetsWater & PlanetsPower, the global leaders in Atmospheric Water Generators (AWGs) and Permanent Magnetic Power Generators (PMGs), invite you to become an Exclusive Distributor and join our mission to revolutionise the world of clean water and sustainable energy.
Why Choose PlanetsWater & PlanetsPower?
Our AWGs are not just innovative; they’re game-changers. They consume 30%-65% less power than ‘other’ brands, setting the standard for efficiency and Eco-consciousness. However, when paired with our revolutionary PMGs, they create an unstoppable duo, delivering an uninterrupted supply of pure water and clean power.
Become a RESELLER of PlanetsWater AWG’s New Generation, Low Power Consumption Products!
Picture this: You, as a PlanetsWater & PlanetsPower Exclusive Distributor, have the opportunity to offer our state-of-the-art AWGs and PMGs to your region, state, or country. The best part? Your investment for an Exclusive Distributorship License ranges from just $15k to $50k USD, (FULLY REFUNDABLE ON A FULL CONTAINER ORDER) tailored to the demographics of your specific region. This isn’t just a business opportunity; it’s a life-changing endeavor with the potential for monumental returns.
Exclusive ‘Master’ Distributorship License: Your Gateway to Success!!
For the visionary few, there’s the possibility of obtaining the exclusive ‘master’ distributorship license for your entire region, state, or country. Imagine being the sole representative of PlanetsWater [Worldwide] Corporation in your area. This exclusivity comes with unparalleled perks, including unbeatable AWG prices, global shipping included, and the ability to sell further distributorships within your region.
Unlock the Potential of Your Region
The cost of acquiring our ‘exclusive ‘master’ distributor license’ varies based on your region’s unique characteristics, including economic status, population size, marketplace potential, and geographic location. This isn’t just a license; it’s your ticket to a lifetime of opportunities.
Your Lifetime License: A Journey to Success
At PlanetsWater & PlanetsPower, we’re committed to global recognition, technological advancement, and high-quality, competitively priced products. We believe in empowering our distributors to create awareness and drive sales, all while reducing the carbon footprint of our products.

Join Us Today and Make a Difference
‘Exclusivity is the Key to Success,’ and we’re handing you the key. To get started, we recommend ordering a small quantity of machines to have on hand as samples for potential buyers and investors. Simply let us know your order quantity and model type for our home/office machines, and we’ll prepare your order.
Both Water & Power are not just a resource; they’re a source of life. So, don’t hesitate and join us on this remarkable journey, and together, we’ll make a difference that resonates across the globe. Don’t miss out on this life-changing, lifetime license opportunity! Terms and conditions apply. Contact us today for further details and availability before it’s too late.